Tattoo Film, “Second Skin”, or “Tatu Derm”, is a self-adhesive film used to heal tattoos. In Short, tattoo film is a thin, self-adhesive film used to shield new tattoos during the initial stages of healing. It’s applied directly to the tattoo by the artist to aid in wound healing and act as a second layer of skin for protection. It’s intended to prevent infection and damage during the healing process.
This healing method works in 2 phases. Week 1, healing with the film on, and Week 2, healing after the removal of the film. After your tattoo, the artist will apply the tattoo film. Unlike regular “plastic wrap,” this film is breathable and remains on the tattoo for seven days after its application. Ink, water, or even blood may accumulate on the tattooed area; this is normal. You might get an “ink bubble”, but do not play with it or pop it.
Week 1
You may find that the edges of the film start to curl up after a few days. If the edges curl up to where the tattoo or ink is exposed, it’s recommended you remove the film. Usually, this happens after five days but may occur sooner. The film should stay in place for a minimum of 5 days and ideally for seven days. Avoid hot showers or letting your tattoo soak in water. Warm water can soften the adhesive causing the film to peel away prematurely. Gently pat dry the area to prevent it from peeling after showering.
After seven days, the tattoo should be ready for the film to be removed. I recommend doing this with warm water as it helps the adhesive soften and pull away from the skin. After removal, wash the tattoo with unscented soap to remove adhesive residue, ink, and plasma.
Coconut oil works great to remove the remaining adhesive on your skin. Finally, pat dry with a paper towel and apply a thin layer of your favorite tattoo cream. That completes the first week of aftercare. Next up is week 2 of letting it heal.
Week 2
Lastly, wash your tattoo twice a day, for the next seven days, with unscented soap, followed by a thin layer of cream after patting it dry. In addition, if the tattoo feels tight or itchy during the day, apply a thin layer of cream. Don’t soak your tattoo until the external tattoo has finished healing.
And that’s it! You now have a beautiful vibrant tattoo ready to show off or a second session. Remember that it is equally important to continue caring for your tattoo long after healing.
You can always contact the artist if you have any questions or think you need touch-ups.